Thursday, September 29, 2011

Twisted Linguistics

Your Spelling is Perfect

You got 10/10 correct.

Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.

Words Gone Wild pulled from the Worldwide Web this week:-

political correctness run a muck
home and harth
bare the brunt
their is something wrong

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sign Language

When things go awry, they often tend to go really awry and irritate the entire bejesus out of one's Feng Shui, don't they? It sure seems that way, anyway. I had an awry day yesterday, felt some signs and saw the handwriting on the wall, ended up unloading both barrels on the Senile Senior Partner, and he ... apologized. Not that I believe for a second it was sincere, but he may know now not to mess with me. Too much.

What do you think about signs? Not road signs or Help Wanted signs or Will Work for Food signs. No, I'm talking about subtle (or not) unseen signs of "something coming" that one senses. Do they exist? Are they reliable? I kind of tend to think they not only exist but are eminently reliable. Sometimes they take the form of red flags, and I pay attention to them. Case in point: I've had a rosary hanging off my rearview mirror since the day I bought my car (which, at the time in question, was 7 years), and it had never fallen off. When my sister and I parked at the funeral home the day of our biological mother's funeral, it suddenly fell off, whereupon I turned to her and said, "Oh, God, all hell's about to break loose." She didn't believe me until we got inside. And in the coming days, weeks, and months, she became a true believer.

Anyway, my point is -- I pay attention to signs. And I know them when I see them.

You all ought to check out this site when you have some time to kill -- or some temper to quell. I enjoyed the hell out of it a couple of times at work yesterday, and I have to say, it did help keep the bloodlust down. Somewhat.

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Listen Up

I feel like music today. Not making it, because I have a tin ear and no musical aptitude, but I love listening to those who can. Listen up if you're in the mood, and enjoy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Whyyyyy... it Monday again? Ugh. Hopefully, yours won't be as unpredictable as mine is apt to be and you'll actually enjoy it.

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Friday Thingonmyblog

TGIF, people. TGIF!

I survived another week with the nasty little troll I work for. If I can do that, I can do anything. If the zombies come this weekend, they'd best keep their distance. Stupid zombies are no match for a stressed out woman who'd kill for a peaceful weekend.

And now, let's go play in the jungle. I'm going to roar, according to the Blogthing boys and girls. What'll you be doing?

You Are a Lion

You're very self-reliant and apt to do your own thing. You know what you want out of life.

You are a total visionary. You have your own idea about utopia, as impractical as it may be.

You have sharp senses and a heightened awareness. Very little escapes your notice.

Decision making is easy for you. You have a spot on intuition that's been with you your whole life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leave It Alone!

How many of you are on Facebook?

How many of you like the new Facebook changes?

How many of you think there ought to be a law that if it ain't broke, don't fix it?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy, Damn It!

myspace layouts codes

Chin up, kitteh -- it's Hump Day. Makes me happy, and not just because my hair looks (slightly) better than yours today.

I need happy.

We are now doing major Voodoo in the office in a last-ditch effort to "do something" about the Senile Senior Partner. Makes us happy. He makes nobody happy, so we'll be a hell of a lot happier when it starts working.

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Not Just Us


Know what I found out yesterday via the wonders of the Internet? We're not the only ones pontificating on the threat of a zombie apocalypse. Apparently, it's been a primal fear for quite a while.

I say that because archaeologists recently dug up in Ireland some 8th century skeletons. Some of the skulls had rocks in their mouths, a medieval custom that people seemed to believe prevented the dead from ... coming back from the dead. The populace at that time apparently viewed the mouth as the portal from which the soul departed the body upon death and, conversely, the entry point for whatever entity might reanimate a corpse and make it walk; ergo, the custom of plugging the portals of certain suspicious dead people with rocks.

I'm not sure this is a procedure the CDC would approve of, much less Tweet. Presumably, they're in the process of devising more modern and sophisticated procedures for nipping zombies in the bud. I'm sure they'll inform us at the appropriate time. Let's just hope they don't try to get FEMA involved.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Friday Thingonmyblog

All in all, it wasn't such a bad work week. Still, I'm glad it's drawn to a close. TGIF!

Now, it's time to play.

You Are the Castle

You are a bit of a homebody and even somewhat of a loner. You function best when you're all by yourself.

Other people see you as mysterious and even a little scary. They don't understand how deep and complicated you are.

You have many layers to your personality, and there is always a surprise waiting around the corner with you.

You aren't as scary as you seem, but you are intense. You require people to confront things about themselves that they rather not know.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mah Brainz

Black And White Zombies

It got quite warm yesterday -- high 80s -- but the time of year has come when as soon as the sun goes down, so does the temperature. It's been going down into the low 60s at night for the past week or so. That is some fine sleeping weather. Friday, we're expecting a daytime high temp of only 60. Whoa! That's a little premature to be feeling Fall's slight nip in the air, but I'm ready to leave hot weather behind for another season. Bring it.

Not only will cooler days and nights be a welcome respite, but with chilly temperatures, maybe the damn flies will stop stalking me. All Summer, every time I opened the door to a delivery person or had to hold it open for a balky dog who didn't want to come in, I got a brazen kamikaze fly or two. I don't own a fly swatter, so I chase them around with a rolled up newspaper in one hand and a can of Raid in the other. I should close the blinds when I do that, because I'm sure I must look like a lunatic. I had one of the nasty little intruders last night and it took me nearly half an hour to chase that sucker down and brain him.

Speaking of braining, do zombies come out in cold weather? And if they do, do they disdain mushy, beaten all to hell brainz? If so, I believe I'm safe.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm feeling restless and somewhat discombobulated and I don't quite know why. I'm damn lucky to have a roof over my head, clothes in my closet, and food in my cupboard. I know that, and I am appropriately grateful.

I think the fleeting pangs of restlessness must derive from that "it's complicated" status shrouding practically everything going on around me. Consequently, Serena-World's tilted ever so slightly on its axis. Something, of course, will happen to put the kibosh on the listless, unsettled spell and break it. It always does, and then life resumes its regular programming. And trust me, "regular" is plenty jacked up enough.

I wish the break would hurry up. Anxiety makes me ... restless. And it ain't pretty.

On the plus side, it's Hump Day. Have a happy one! myspace graphic comments

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm A Side

I'm a side sleeper. I can't sleep on my back; gives me a headache. And I can't sleep on my tummy; I can't breathe with my nose smushed into my pillow. It probably means something weird, but I'm a side sleeper.

Which are you?

Monday, September 12, 2011

09/11/2001 - 09/11/2011

It was a weekend of remembrance and reflection for most of us, I believe. I found myself drawn to watching a lot of the 9/11 anniversary pieces on TV. It's still hard to believe that something so horrific as the events of that day could have happened. It was an act of war. On American soil. Against innocent people. And honestly, it was every bit as shocking to watch those surreal images from New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. today as it was the day they happened.

I hope and pray it never happens again, but I am not naive. It could. Today's world is a seething cauldron of hatred and unrest. Clearly, there is no simple remedy. We, meaning all of humankind, need to somehow work it out before we end up annihilating ourselves as a species. God help us.

Friday, September 09, 2011

The Friday Thingonmyblog

I think I'll stay barefoot all day, perhaps savor some dark chocolate, definitely grab a nap, and hope to hear the lullaby of some falling rain. I would practically kill for a massage, but I guess that's out of the question. For today, anyway. I am, after all, a fairly sensual being -- or so saith the Blogthing Geniuses. What do they say about you? Answer the questions and find out.

TGIF! Have a great weekend.

Your Sensuality Score is: 75%

You taste, smell, feel, see, and hear more strongly than most people.

Even the smallest sensual act can be quite divine for you.

You are a hedonist. You like to experience it all... whether it's food, art, music, or sex.

If you're not careful, you're apt to overindulge or get addicted to a certain pleasure.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

It's Coming... myspace graphic comments

Have a good Thursday!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Scent of a Canine

Best Friend Dog

The Big Rain is slowly rolling out of here, but it's still soaking us sporadically. All total, we've had somewhere between 3 and 9 inches of rain, depending on where exactly one was.

My poor dog did not enjoy her outdoor excursions during the downpour. Frankly, neither did I. Still, there was business to be done -- and somebody had to provide the ways and means. That would be me. The poor little thing was not happy about being towel dried and brushed over and over again. Last night, after she got completely drenched, my house just reeked of eau de chien mouillé. It's not my favorite scent, but I love the dog so I put up with it. And besides, that's what room sprays and plug-ins were invented for.

Hey, it's Wednesday already. I love short weeks, never mind that I'm probably wishing my life away. Happy Hump Day.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Rain, Sweet Rain

I actually can stand the rain. I awoke to rain yesterday morning, and it rained all day and all last night. And it's still raining. It sounds wonderful, smells delicious, and feels cool and refreshing. We desperately needed it, too. We've been in a drought here all summer. There's some kind of point system for charting drought conditions, and last week we were pegged as only 100 points below desert status. That's pretty scary for the middle of Virginia.

Monday, September 05, 2011

No Labor Today

There will be no noticeable labor around here today, and hopefully none where you are. You guys

Friday, September 02, 2011

Friday Thingonmyblog


You Have a Fairly Strong Willpower

Temptation doesn't get the better of you all that often.

If you set your mind on a goal, you'll do your best to achieve it.

And while you don't have a perfect record with willpower, you do okay.

If you fall off the wagon with something, you're usually not off the wagon for long.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Today Only: No Ruls

My mind is a vast wasteland today. It's been a hell of a week. Thank heavens it's about to come to a close -- and the long holiday weekend starts. I don't have enough neurons firing to write anything today, but I have been vigilant about collecting Words Gone Wild. I'm not sure I have the wherewithal to define them, but I'm going to give it a whirl. You might want to see what you can do with them, too.

vigilanty justice - This refers to a gianormous lantern around which people sit and keep vigil against the night creatures while they tattle on their neighbors.

ruls - This started out as an ancient alphabet by which people hoped to communicate in writing, but nobody could pronounce any words written in it so they dumped it and switched to runes. We have a hell of a time at my office trying to read the regulations written in, um, ruls, and it's rather comical watching the lawyers throw runes before trying cases.

prety - A mystical archaic mating ritual employing veils and scarves and pink pillows and incense and stuff, which over time devolved into hedonistic orgies in which only celebrities were allowed to participate.

peoiple - Pigs in the oil business.

horriable - A statute which, somewhere in its 732 pages of fine print, combines and outlaws several classes of misdemeanor crimes, e.g., smacking gum in public, adjusting one's clothes in public, standing in doorways, speaking to strangers in cars, walking outside in short shorts and/or tube tops, failure to display visible panty lines in public, practicing law, gambling with insurance brokers, etc. And yes, working for wages is considered a horriable offense under the new legislation.

apparnetly - Condos wired for WiFi.