Thursday, June 30, 2011


I freely admit that I've largely lost my writing mojo over the past couple of years. My one badly published novel that I was planning to rewrite and start over? Ain't gonna happen. My unfinished manuscripts lying around the house in various states of disrepair, the ones I fully intended to finish with the Hallelujah Chorus blasting in the background? Nope, never did, possibly never will. I can get my mojo back on track, though. A writer -- makes shit up. So, I thought, why not take a picture, use it as a prompt, and try writing something -- totally stream of consciousness -- around it? So, here's the picture, and its story. And you are invited urged to write your own little story around it. myspace graphic comments

Betty had been dating Ralph for a couple of months when he made what, to her, seemed like a most peculiar suggestion, couched in language that made it seem more like a request. A rather firm request. But he did hint that were she to acquiesce, she just might enjoy a marked improvement in the bedroom, and she was all for that, so she set out one Saturday morning to see about bringing Ralph's suggestion to fruition.

Hanging her apron on the hook by the kitchen door, Betty grabbed her keys and set out for Target, armed with a list of the items she needed to acquire. At Target, she purchased some shaving cream, an oversized loofah, a large bottle of Wild Cherry scented bubble bath, 16 pillar candles of assorted scents, and a package of Lady Bic razors. And a box of Band-Aids and a tube of Neosporin, just in case, because Betty always liked to be prepared. She perused Target's lingerie offerings, but didn't see a thing that didn't look skanky, so she passed on those. She had perfectly serviceable cotton knit nightgowns at home, and besides, she wasn't entirely sure what a teddy even was -- except that she was pretty sure Ralph wasn't alluding to a stuffed bear.

From Target, Betty drove on to the package store, where she asked the clerk for assistance in choosing a champagne that might be to Ralph's liking. The clerk asked what the occasion was, and Betty told him she wasn't quite sure, but there would be shaving involved, quite possibly involuntary. The clerk raised an eyebrow and inquired as to who was being shaved by whom, and Betty repeated to him Ralph's request. Betty marched out of the store, leaving the champagne on the counter, while the clerk was still trying to catch his breath from his paroxysms of laughter. She then drove to 7-11 and bought a bottle of Boones Farm before heading over to the sporting goods store to procure a humane animal trap.

From there, she was soon off to the last leg of her trip. Two or three hours, and the bottle of Boones Farm, passed as she lolled about on the riverbank waiting for her quarry. Finally, at long last, she heard the distinctive clank of the door falling shut on the trap. Yes! She had her prey and could finally head home. And she couldn't get there soon enough, either, because the Boones Farm had seemingly gone right through her and she needed relief. Bad.

Back home, Betty got to work getting everything ready to fulfill Ralph's request -- although, by that time, she was beginning to believe it was a damned outlandish request. But what the heck, she'd try anything once.

Having changed into her prettiest nightie, the pinkish plaid one with the lace collar and ruffle around the ankle-length hem, Betty went into the bathroom and set out and lit all her new candles. She laid out a few towels, then filled the sink with warm, sudsy water, fragrant with the new bubble bath, and carried her smelly, frightened prey to the counter. She was rather badly frightened when it squealed and lunged at her the first time she squirted it with the shaving cream, but Betty was nothing if not stalwart. It took her only about half an hour to get most of its body lathered up, and then it was time to crack open the package of Bics -- no easy task since she was holding down the wiggly, noisy object of her attentions with her other hand. But she got the job done, extracted a sparkly pink razor from the bag, and gingerly made the first swath down the middle of the creature's back.

And the creature said, "Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

And that was when Ralph appeared in the bathroom door, took one look, and turned white.

"Betty!" he gasped. "What in the name of all that is holy are you doing, woman?"

"Hey, Ralph," she said, gasping a little herself because, truth to tell, she was getting rather winded from all the contortions. "I'm doing what you asked me to do. And I mean to tell you, this was a lot harder than I imagined, so I am expecting some fireworks under the sheets, if you know what I mean."

"Mercy," Ralph sputtered. "Betty. Honey. This is not at all what I asked you to do."

"Excuse me?! You did, too, tell me to shave a..."

"No, I said shave your..."

"Excuse me! Admittedly, it's not exactly mine, but I am shaving the darn thing if you'll just give me time."

"No, baby, that thing is -- is a -- well, I believe it's a groundhog."

"Oh, gosh!" Betty cried indignantly. "You mean I went to all this trouble and I'm not even shaving the right thing?"

It was at that point that the groundhog, claws unsheathed and big teeth bared, launched itself into the air between Betty and Ralph. Ralph will be okay after his blood pressure drops a few digits, but Betty's went up when the E.R. doc ordered the rabies shots.

Perhaps the natural order of things is best.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


llq, will you please get the hell off my blog? Do you not have enough brain cells working to see that Blogger is recognizing your comments as spam and sending them straight to Spam Hell? BUT I get them in e-mail and I still have to go to each of the dozens of posts you've spammed today alone to make sure the spam filter caught them and I don't have to delete them manually. You, my idiotic non-friend, have been reported and are on notice. Get the hell out of here and STAY out!


Oh, great, llq. It's 5:02 P.M. and I have another 11 of your stupid spam comments in my e-mail. And I have to check all 11 posts to make sure Blogger Spam Filter caught you. You dumb shit, are you blind? NOBODY IS SEEING YOUR STUPID SPAM COMMENTS!! Get the hell out of here!!!


6:26 P.M. -- 21 new spam comments by this asshole llq -- who is somehow eluding an IP number capture. But I WILL get it, one way or another. And maybe his/her/its little dog, too. Stupid jerkface.

As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to have to go to "moderated" comments for a while and wait for this stupid twit llq to go away.

I'll Just Think About That Later

Cheeseburger French Fries

I have to think about some things. Like, whether I should move when my lease is up at the end of September, or stay put. Moving's a bee-yotch, but I could, after all, get a lot more amenities for the same rent I'm paying. Or, whether I should stick out my job where the money's good, but it's like working with hell's minions on the Dark Side.

Decisions, decisions. It's kind of like the difference between cheesecake and tofu, cotton granny panties and a lace thong, a big sloppy cheeseburger and a rice cake. Spiders and puppies. You kind of know what's safe -- except on days that end in "day" and full moons -- but what's sure? I'm pretty sure that nothing is for sure, much less fail-safe, so maybe I'll just opt for gorging on burgers and cheesecake. Not while wearing granny panties, though. I'm not going there 'til I'm at least 90.

While I'm pondering on the nature of comfort food and appropriate underwear, y'all have a Happy Hump Day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mental Health

A friend passed along this "funny." It appealed to my warped sense of humor, of course. Hopefully, it'll get a chuckle out of you guys, too.

Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in ... to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.

When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.

"The bad news is, Ralph hanged himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead."

Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself. I put him there to dry. How soon can I go home?"

Monday, June 27, 2011

$1.00 In The Hole

I had to go to work today because the lottery ticket I blew a perfectly good dollar bill on was a dud. Oh, well; such is life. Maybe one of these days I will nab the winning number. Probably not, but one can always hope.

I don't waste a lot of time pining and longing but, dang, somebody's got to get the right number sometime. Give me one rational, reasonably believable reason why it shouldn't be me.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Thingonmyblog

TGIF, people!

I'm not sure my results for this quiz are altogether on-target -- some days, especially -- but it's something I'd like to aspire to and achieve.

Your Word is "Fearless"

You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!

You believe the biggest risk is being afraid and missing out on something amazing.

Sometimes your fearlessness means you're daring. You enjoy risky activities.

And sometimes your fearlessness means you're courageous. You're brave enough to do the right thing, even when it's scary.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dawg Days

My dog's been doing ... things. To me. She's jerked me down the stairs twice this week. They cut down a lightning-shattered tree on the grounds and it left a mud bog. She dragged me through that last night before I could get her turned to go around it. Tuesday evening, it rained heavily and there was a lot of standing water. Did she allow me to steer her around it? Nooooo! This dog only weighs 20 pounds (and she's old), but she's got some zombie strength going on.

She gets treats every night but, this week, she's acting like she never saw treats before and keeps biting my fingers to grab them. She's a greedy little thing. Oh, and she went to give me a puppy kiss the other night and nearly nipped my lip.

I don't think she's trying to kill me or anything, but she's definitely in a weirdness phase.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Days When I Was A Child...

...we sure as hell didn't have anything like this! My folks sent me to Girl Scout camp, where I spent a week peeing in the woods, burning food over fires and washing out tin plates in the creek, and sleeping (and scratching the poison ivy on my butt) in conditions that would gross out even those Swamp People guys. Why did it take 'til now for somebody to think up ... Zombie Day Camp?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dear Abby

Sometimes one gets backed into a corner, trapped like a rat, with no immediately discernible way out. But rats thrive, multiply, and proliferate. Obviously, they get out. My question is, how?

Which has nothing whatsoever to do with cute little cats who, as we all know, never surrender. A little dose of cat mentality could perhaps go a long way.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Round and Round...

I just had one of these last week but ... here we go again. I guess there's nothing to do but make the best of it. Have a good Monday!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Thingonmyblog

TGIF, kids. Have a mellow, laid back weekend!

You Would Rule with Your Heart

You are image conscious and drawn toward beauty. Your feelings are always at the forefront of your mind.

You dislike the impersonality of logic. You don't think facts always paint the whole picture.

You won't let anyone intimidate you. You can pull out the big guns when you need to.

Most people don't know how easy it is to hurt your feelings. You may not wear your heart on your sleeve, but you are sensitive.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Twisted Linguistics - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
I've stumbled across a few Words Gone Wild this week. After pondering long and hard, I've finally figured out what they mean. I could be wrong, though. How do you define them?

disapperanace - A balky furnace, especially aggravating in North Dakota in January.

walk awat - Similar to a duck walk, but more awkward.

viscious - A thick fluid with sharp teeth.

cleary - A piece of legislature being drafted by Anthony Weiner.

pertent information - The best evidence the Caycee Anthony legal team could come up with.

prosicutors - The hard-working people who try and convict those blasfomers guilty of language butchery.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Babble On

A woman's work is never done... {sigh} But y'all already know that, so I'll just say

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

E Street

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Clarence Clemons of the inestimable E Street Band, who suffered a serious stroke this past weekend.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Just As I Suspected...

Well, almost. If they had asked the right questions, the answer would have been Complete Psycho and a Half. See how yours rates.

Have a Happy Monday, or at least a decent one.

Your Boss Isn't Psycho, but Your Boss Stinks

Your boss is probably not mental. Still, your boss is not competent or professional.

You may want to transfer departments or get a new job, before your boss sucks out your soul.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Thingonmyblog

I have made it to Friday and lived to tell about it. I didn't melt, reach critical mass, get committed, get arrested, or kill anybody. It was a damn good week.

You Are Somewhat Expressive

You are the type of person who has a lot of thoughts... too many to express all of them.

You are astute and downright smart. Your intelligence is subtle and shrewd.

When something is important enough, you will tell people about it. You like to mull things over for a while.

You are deeply intuitive. For you, gut instincts will always trump logic.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Hanging on to the Guard Rail

I've got nothin' today. I'm a bit brain-dead. Drained. Hot. Put upon. Beleaguered -- by people who ought to know better. On edge. Crankier by the hour. So, I got nothin'.

Enjoy the song and have a good Thursday. Tomorrow, it's Friday!

I'm not a big Gaga fan, but I really, really like this song.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Burly Guys

My apartment complex is being painted. The painting crew is a motley assortment of mainly shaved-headed, heavily tattooed guys. They'll be around for the next three weeks. It'll be ... interesting.

One of the painters jumped the wall onto my patio this morning. When I saw him gazing at my hanging basket with the sign taped to it that says "Do Not Move, Baby Birds Inside," I slid the door open and asked him if this was going to be a problem. This was a big burly guy with a beard braided into a pigtail, so I was a bit leery when he said, "Yeah." But then he told me they'd have to move the babies because the pressure-washing and mold retardent they were going to spray would kill them. He said they'd move the basket -- gently -- to the edge of the woods, in the shade, and promised to move it back when they were finished and the fumes had dissipated. And they did.

As soon as I got home, I hauled my step-ladder out there and climbed up to check on the little ones. All six were present and accounted for, and their mom and dad showed up a couple of hours later to feed them. The motley crew did okay.

Hey, Happy Hump Day!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Oh, Gawd, It's Monday

I started hyperventilating around 2:00 yesterday afternoon just thinking about having to go to work today. That's how much I love it. It's going to be a very busy day, and I hope I'm not hindered by the Senile One's histrionics. Hopefully, he'll have somewhere else to be.

It'll take me pretty much all day to put some kind of order to a hysterical client's document production. It should have been so, so simple, but the woman cried and whined and angsted (is that a word?) over it before finally presenting me with about 10 pounds of unnecessary paperwork before I left Thursday. And this mess is already more than two weeks overdue because she just would not get with the program.

I have document production to do in a civil case, too, and I don't even do civil cases. I don't know how the hell I, instead of the civil case paralegal, ended up with this mess. Oh, well. I'll do what I do and won't sweat the rest.

Y'all have a good Monday.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Friday Thingonmyblog

It's only going to be in the 80s today. Somebody fetch me my coat! This'll feel like a cold snap. Frankly, I don't care what the weather does. I have air, cold Cokes, and a couple of new books. I'm in weekend mode now and I survived a Pure Hell week. TGIF!

Your Summer Sense is Smell

You are a very sensitive person, and you are especially tuned into your sense of smell.

You pick up on subtleties that others seem to miss. You can sense summer coming on before anyone else can.

For you, there's nothing like the smell of a hot grill or freshly mowed grass - preferably at the same time.

And the ultimate summer smell experience has got to be the beach. There's something intoxicating about the smell of the ocean!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Sniff-Sniff - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
It's cooling off a bit. It's only going to be around 90 today. I'm being facetious, of course. And I am entitled. In the middle of a horrendous heat wave, I seem to have a head cold. And I think I know why. They keep it so cold in the office that I've been sitting there wearing two sweaters and a fleece throw over my legs because I do not get a thrill from the constant jet of frigid air from the floor vent under my desk. Then I go outside where it's 96 degrees, and after a few days of doing that, I'm all sniffly and snuffly and sneezy. Maybe they think the severe cold will retard bullet trajectory when the pissed off spouses start gunning for us. Or maybe ... they don't think at all.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Hazardous Duty - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

I'm getting a really bad vibe from my workplace. I haven't even been there a year and we've had two female clients murdered by their husbands, one of them just Monday, and a male client who murdered his wife. This is not covered (or recommended) in the divorce brochure we hand out.

I've worked in a number of law firms and none of them ever had clients murdered, although we had a few clients of a murderous bent. Now I'm starting to wonder if when they're going to start shooting at the lawyers and paralegals.

I'm thinking some other line of work, like long-haul trucking or deep-sea diving or uranium mining or maybe the circus, might be safer.