Friday, July 14, 2023

No Easy Fix


I have only one thing to say today: You can't fix stupid.

You can try to rationalize a stupid thing or idea or trend or law, etc., etc. You can make excuses for it. And God knows there will be a multitude of people who are going to try to normalize and excuse every stupid thing to come down the pike. You can philosophize over it til the cows come home, which may be any time now. You can debate its merits, or lack thereof. You can slap a warning label on it. You can whine all over social media that something stupid is simply misunderstood. You can get down in the dirt and brawl about it. But chances are pretty good that you're not going to fix it.

If some backwater politician gets up on a soapbox and tells people they're going to have to sacrifice their firstborn, an elderly goat, and 2 frisky chickens while salsa dancing under a full moon in order to ensure a good crop, how many are going to do it? Who knows? But if a few of the more influential start dancing around a bonfire, the rest of the herd will probably follow instead of arresting the guy for a fool. Nothing is going to change the fact: stupid is stupid.

And, more's the pity, you just cannot fix stupid.

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