Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Heat Is On

Dang, it's hot! It's been 90 or above for the last 2 weeks where I live, and creeping close to triple digits the last 2 days. I hate extreme heat. I don't like extreme cold, either, but when it's cold you can at least add more clothes or blankets. There's not much you can do when it's too hot. All I can say is, thank God for air conditioning. It's hot all over the country and I hate to even think of people trying to survive without AC, especially in those places where it's 118 degrees in the daytime and in the 90s at night. If anybody is reading, and that's a big “if” because I'm starting to wonder if blogging has become obsolete and nobody is reading... Maybe so, but I never, not even on a double-dog dare, put anything personal on Facebook. It's too full of trolls and hackers. Still, if anyone is reading, I'd like to hear how hot it is where you are.

Some of my neighbors are making me hot under the collar, too. I swear, an inordinate number of them are in bitch mode lately. Duplicity, back-stabbing, gossip, and hypochondria are running rampant. Geez, whatever ailment someone has, another one has to up the ante and claim hers is worse. I think some of them are just talking themselves into early graves, but hey, not my problem. It's getting hard to resist the impulse to reach out and slap some moron to make him/her shut up with his/her idiotic blather. Yeah, I'm in bitch mode, too. It's the heat!

I'll tell you what else has become a problem. Some of the more surly old crones around here seem to think I'm antisocial because I don't give out my personal information. There's a woman here who thinks it's her holy mission to type up and hand out “directories” containing information on all the tenants. By that, I mean full name, nickname, address, phone number, and date of birth, everything but SSN and firstborn's name. There are people coming and going here all day long. Some residents have cleaning people, some have home health aides, some have unsavory looking friends and relatives, there are an untold number of delivery people, yada yada. In my opinion, the information contained in that directory is an open invitation to identity theft should it fall into the wrong hands. If they're gullible enough to hand over their details, that's on them. I'm not giving my info up, and if they want to stick horns and a pitchfork on me, so be it. I'll laugh all the way to the bank when their accounts get hacked and mine don't.

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