Saturday, October 06, 2007

SJ's Saturday Jam

Today's musical pick is for no particular reason. I just like it, and hope you do, too.

Your ticket to today's concert will be considered paid in full if you'll write for me a short non-rhyming poem with a "bittersweet" theme.

Do you want to know something that's both funny and hugely disconcerting? It's when the dog changes the channel on the TV. I was at my desk last night, and the dog was on the couch -- where the remote control was. I knew what was on TV and I was listening to it, with my back to it. Slowly, I became aware that what I was hearing didn't sound remotely connected with what I thought was on. It took a moment to figure out that the dog had rolled over on the remote and changed the channel.

Have a great weekend!


puerileuwaite said...

You don't have to warn me about the dangers of rolling over onto the remote. I ended up having to watch something extremely disturbing.

Oops. You said to do a non-rhyming poem.

You don't have to warn me
about the dangers of rolling over
onto the remote

I ended up having to watch
something extremely disturbing
even more so than
your Sunday Sermons


Charles said...

Complete darkness filling the senses,
Originating from that exotic tropical place,
Leaves blotting out the sun.
Bitterness consumed, just below the heat of the tongues liquefying,
Light sweetness,
Dark chocolate.

Serena said...

Poor Puggy. I'm so sorry you were subjected to something more disturbing than those Sunday sermons. It must have been so traumatic.:-)

VERY nice, Charles! Very nice, indeed.:)

Charles said...

Thanks, with all the talk lately of chocolate, it was an easy subject. I'm learning.

G-Man said...

Chocolate!!! Hehehehe

Anyway, perhaps you could get your little baby to learn how to fetch you a Hot Fudge Sundae?

Now THERES a great trick!

Serena said...

Chocolate's an easy subject to wax poetic about, Charles.:)

Chocolat, G. Ohmmmmmmm. I know you like it as much as I do. Honey, if I could teach that little dog to fetch me hot fudge sundaes, I'd have finally reached Nirvana. Ain't gonna happen, though. She lacks the manual dexterity. Now, if I could train a big baby to fetch them...

Hale McKay said...

With bittersweet compliance
I try to write poetry without rhyme
But to me it's fragemented prose
If one line doesn't end with
The same sound as one before it.

Serena said...

And yet you did a fine job with the assignment, Mike.:)

Anonymous said...

lol my cat does that all the time.:)

sorry I can't think of anything to write.):


Rick Rockhill said...

sometimes he scares me...

Serena said...

You mean your cat fetches for you, TC? Woo-hoo!:)

Sometimes scared is a good thing, Rick.:)