Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday Q & A

We got to the beach about an hour ago. Yippee! It was a good trip, not sunny and not too hot, though it's hot as bleeding hell here.

And now on to our Q & A.

1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans?

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station?

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions?

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school?

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?

7. Do you like camping?

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation?

Here's what's on the TWISTED LINGUISTICS docket doday.

side affects - Strange mannerisms when you think nobody's looking.

someithing - One of those Internet-related doodads.

extrodinaire - Extruding oxygen in hopes of making gold.

started a repoire - Totally withdrawn, illiterate, and unable to communicate.

writing aritcles - Essays about tickling the sky.


Your Sloth Quotient: 30%

You're a little lazy, but normally you're a very energetic and motivated person.
Don't beat yourself up over a little laziness every now and then. You do need your downtime!


Unknown said...


1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?
I like them broken in.

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans?
Straight leg

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station?
I listen mainly to the station that covers 75-85. Is that oldies?

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions?
Nope and don't plan to.

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school?
I looked for her, but she is married with a new name I think or she vanished.

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?
I am the youngest-middle-only child. My parent's only from their marriage; the youngest from my mom's second and the middle in my dad's third.

7. Do you like camping?
Not totally sure. Aspects yes and aspects no.

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation?
Oh my yes although the unintended comedy of the verification was great sometimes.

G-Man said...

Hi Sherry,
Glad your'e safe and sound...

My Sloth Quotient is 100%
I'm the biggest under-acheiver since Bart Simpson...xoxbgxoxox

Camille Alexa said...

1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?
Anything but that odious mall-chick faux fade.

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans?
I prefer them to look good. If you look good in straight, great; bell, swell.

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station?
I can't abide radio ads -- no really, they completely make my skin crawl. One of the worst forms of noise pollution ever contrived. I'll listen to almost anything on a station with no ads. I'm addicted to Pandora Free Internet Radio.

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions?
Yes, my tenth. It was ghastly and not a single person was any more interesting than they ever were.

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school?
People actually have highschool sweethearts? I thought that was a romance novel conceit.

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?

7. Do you like camping?
Very much.

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation?
Not so much word ver, but moderation bothers me.

rkfinnell said...

1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?
Faded and soft.

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans?
Straight leg

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station?
All the time

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions?
A couple

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school?
Didn't have one. I was a homely child. LOL

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?

7. Do you like camping?
Only went once when I was seven months pregnant. The other couple fought and I did not sleep. It was horrible.

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation?
Hell yes.

Ed & Jeanne said...

1. Faded and soft
2. Relaxed fit (I've bicycled a lot)
3. Does that now count classic rock?
4. No, it was an all-guy polytechnic school, what's the point?
5. Yes. She tracked me down and called me after her divorce.
6. Only
7. Yes. I go a couple of times every summer.
8. I'm low tech. I don't use anything (hence all my typos).

Charles said...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Used to.
4. No.
5. Which one?
6. Yes.
7. No.
8. No for Word, and Only if not checked each day for moderation.

Please add "doday" to your list. ;D

I'm not taking that test, it'd be my luck that it'd be my best test score ever.

Charles said...

quiz, rather.

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

I think I need more sloth, or sloath, or lathes, or slats, or sluts, slots, slinks, fewer loathes.

Hale McKay said...

Hope your are enjoying yourself.

1) Faded and soft

2) straight leg

3) yes - almost exclusively

4) No

5) Yes - at my parents' funeral so both times were exchange of sympathies and thanks

6) Oldest of 5

7) Yes - If it is real camping, not pseudo-camping with camping trailers and electrical hookups but it's been over 40 years since I last camped out -

8) Word verification - No so much
Moderation - YES

Serena said...

75-85, Kan? Yeah, I think that qualifies as "oldies."

Safe and sound, G. Under-achiever? You? I, the original Sloth Queen, don't think so!:)

I don't like mall-chick faux fade, either, Camille. Not a good look.:)

Sounds awful, Roxan. Pregnant and camping simply do not go together.

LMAO at your #4, VE.:-) And #5 sounds kind of scary.

Charles, re #5, how many did you have?!:)

Hi, Paulie, and thanks for visiting. We could probably all use more sloth and slinky in our lives.:)

Thanks, Mike. I'm having fun so far. Your #5 is so sweet; it's nice when people do that.

Serena said...

My answers to my own interrogation:

1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?
Faded and soft.

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans? Straight-leg.

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station? Not so often.

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions? No.

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school? Yes, but it didn't work out.

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?

7. Do you like camping? Only in nice hotels.

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation? Very much.

puerileuwaite said...

1) I like my Jeans as long as I don't unzip them and find out they're really Genes.

2) I prefer straight Jeans, as I thought I alluded to in my first response.

3) No. It's only RECENT Gregorian Chants for this Pug.

4) Unfortunately, no, I haven't. No sooner do I RSVP, then they change locations and inadvertantly neglect to let me know. And there I am, showing up in my one size too small tux and Champagne Pink Limo at an empty VFW Hall. Again.

5) See number 4.

6) Charlie says that although the world wants to treat us like Jan Bradys, in his Family we are all Marshas.

7) No. Not ever since thePug fell for that "If you went camping and came back with a sore butt, would you tell anyone?" line. I also haven't been back to Georgia since (nor has Georgia been on my mind).

8) Yes. Why do I seem to be the only one who gets "supercalifragilisticexpealidocious", and various lengthy medical terms? It's like someone is trying to give me a hint that I can't quite seem to pick up.

Mona said...

Serena! The green dress becomes you so & I love the neckline. You look gorgeous!!

snowelf said...

1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking?

I am not a fan of jeans, really, as I hardly ever wear them, but I like them broken in. :)

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans?

Boot cut, I think? I am so not knowledgeable about jeans...

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station?

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions?
No, but I would have had I know about it.

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school?

No, but I've talked to him and it did NOT go well. I am glad we didn't end up together.

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child?

I am the oldest. Therefore I rock! ;)

7. Do you like camping?

Sometimes. I'm more of an inside non-bug kind of girl, but I will go camping. Two nights is about my max though.

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation?

WV, I hate. I can never type them right the first time. However, I understand the need and it's worth messing up 2-6 times to leave messages for my blogger friends. ;)


snowelf said...

oops, I skipped three.
For me, when it comes to music, the newer, the better. Sorry oldies fans.


Serena said...

No, indeed, Puggy. Camping in the Georgia backwoods is never a good idea -- unless, of course, one has a yearning for a sore butt. Gregorian chants, huh? Heh. That's hot.:)

Thank you so much, Mona!:)

As an eldest child, I think your #6 rocks, Snow.:)

Corn Dog said...

I'm late to the game, as usual.
1. Do you like your jeans faded and soft or crisp and new looking? Faded and soft - of course.

2. Do you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut jeans? straight or bell

3. Do you ever listen to an "oldies" station? no

4. Have you attended any of your high school reunions? no

5. Have you seen your high school sweetheart since high school? he's dead

6. In your family, are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child? middle

7. Do you like camping? yes

8. Are you annoyed by such Blogger comment features as WordVerification and moderation? sometimes when the v word is kdjcnnstjesyshd