Friday, September 28, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

You'd think with all the time on my hands I'd be getting lots accomplished. You'd have to think again. Where does time go?!

Anyway, TGIF! See what the quiz says about you, then go have a fabulous Fall weekend.
You Are Mellow
You are truly blessed in your life, and you never forget it. You are very thankful.
Even when you are feeling bad, you remember that things could be much worse. And there's no use getting yourself worked up about anything.

You have trouble getting along with people who are overly emotional and reactive. They harsh your mellow.
You connect best with content and happy types. Your friends don't have to be overjoyed all the time, but you appreciate it when they make an effort.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Run Him?

Happy Hump Day! Wednesday Greetings

I'm not giving anything away, but it's a cute picture -- and it is Hump Day.

I am so sick of political ads. They're everywhere, even hanging off doorknobs. And you know what I've concluded? I don't like either presidential candidate. Somebody needs to get somebody else on the ballot because I doubt I'm alone in my thinking. What the hell will they do if everybody decides to avoid throwing up on the voting machines and nobody votes?

I wish I could sing. Then I'd go get myself on The Voice or the X-Factor or something and let people vote for me. I know, I know -- I'm just full of wishful thinking.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Changes. Yuck!

Well, it looks like Blogger has now forced the new format down our throats for good. For the record, I - do - not - like - it. At all. Yuck. If it ain't broke, why the hell fix it? Are you listening, Google?

Anyway -- it's Friday. TGIF.

I'm not so sure "my word" fits me, except maybe in some respects. What's your word?
Your Word is "Fearless"
You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!
You believe the biggest risk is being afraid and missing out on something amazing.

Sometimes your fearlessness means you're daring. You enjoy risky activities.
And sometimes your fearlessness means you're courageous. You're brave enough to do the right thing, even when it's scary.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Smack-Dab in the Middle

Wednesday is Hump Day

I'm busy with house chores -- tidying this, polishing that, straightening up here and there. I have company arriving tomorrow and I'm excited. It's been a while since I've had houseguests.

Meanwhile, it's the middle of the week -- Hump Day! Have a good one.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

I haven't accomplished much this week. Still ... TGIF!

I'm a bit disappointed with my Friday Blogthing results. I thought for sure I was destined to rule the world. Apparently not, although the game ain't over yet. I'm convinced I'd look damn good in a big shiny crown with an entourage and perhaps a few flying monkeys.

You Are Not Destined to Rule the World

You are destined for something else...

Like inventing a new type of cupcake.

You just don't have the stomach for brutality.

But watch out - because many people do!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Happy Hump Day!

Time keeps flying by and it's anybody's guess whether one is getting anywhere. At least it's cool, thank God. This taste of Autumn won't last, but it's nice while it does.

Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day!

Friday, September 07, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

It's been a crazy week. We ended up dumping the case I've been working on for the past two or three weeks. Long story short, there was just way too much drama going on with the case and the ever-growing cast of characters.

As mentioned previously, I closed my Twitter account the other day after it got hacked. The very next morning, there was an e-mail from Twitter in my in-box notifying me that I had reactivated my account. I did no such thing, but some halfwit did. Sure enough, somebody had made a new tweet under my name. I deleted it, and the next one, and have changed my password two more times since then. I'm leaving it alone for another day or two to see if they can still access my account, and then I'm going to kill it again and hope it stays dead this time. If there's some way to complain to Twitter, I'll be damned if I can find it. Referring me to a bunch of stupid articles about changing my password, yada-yada, does not do it for me.

Anyway ... it's Friday. TGIF!

Do your Blogthing and then go have an excellent weekend. As for mine, I like Rowlf. I cannot, however, play the piano. Ironically, Beethoven was my first husband's nickname. Strange.

You Are Rowlf the Dog

Mellow and serious, you enjoy time alone cultivating your talents.

You're a cool dog, and you always present a relaxed vibe.

A talented pianist, you can play almost anything - especially songs by Beethoven.

"My bark is worse than my bite, and my piano playing beats 'em both."

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Mid-Week Blues

Happy Hump Day! Wednesday Scraps

Thank GOD it's Wednesday. I had a day from hell with my computer yesterday, while I was trying to work. My Twitter account got hacked and I started getting spam from the hacker at an e-mail address not even associated with Twitter. I was afraid my computer itself might have been hacked because at times, not even my Norton's would work. It finally opened and I ran a 4-hour scan. Norton's says everything's okay; we'll see. I don't know how many times I uninstalled and reinstalled stuff, and rebooted what seemed like every ten minutes. It's better, but my system feels different and still not quite right. Damn hackers.

Enjoy your Hump Day!