Tuesday, September 11, 2007


U2, tribute to 9/11/2001 -- embedding disabled, but the link will allow you to view it on the YouTube site.

David Bowie, "Heroes," at the Concert for New York

The Who at the Concert for New York


G-Man said...

Well Done Serena!!!
...A Great tribute like this says enough..
You are such a beautiful, thoughtful, loving, and careing soul! You Rock..xoxbgxox

Serena said...

Thank you, G. It just seems like a day when any words from me would be superfluous, you know? YOU rock.

leelee said...

Well done Serena..you are right..no words today..


Serena said...

Hi, Leelee. Let's just have HUGS today. {{{HUG}}}

Unknown said...

I was wondering what I should do today with my blog. You have shown the way. No funny today; no politics today. Well done SJ!

Serena said...

Wow, I'm Kan's beacon today. This is great.:)

Unknown said...

You own me so I MUST follow

Serena said...

Oh, yeah, this is true.:)

rkfinnell said...

You already know my stand on 9/11 so I won't go into it.

Charles said...

I hope the souls of the victims are taken up to better than they got here. Six years, two countries invaded, one war, thousands dead, and the one that should be still is free.

On a lighter side, it's interesting that the Bowie video's keyboardist is Paul Schaffer, from the David Letterman Show.

Serena said...

Paul Schaffer? Heh. I didn't even notice that.

Camille Alexa said...

Heroes makes me cry. Of course, my favourite Bowie is the Flight of the Conchords Bowie.

Part 1

part 2

part 3

Serena said...

It almost always makes me cry, too, Camille. Thanks for the Conchords links. Niiiiice.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Nice tribute post. I'm still trying to adjust to what day of the week it is and what country I'm in much less the date but this one was an important one.

Serena said...

Thanks, VE.:)