The judge took the bench and the defendant's Legal Aid lawyer imediately made some motions that the judge had to consider. One of the motions was for the right to call the landlord as a defense witness, irrespective of his status as counsel of record. Based on some sort of applicable case law, the judge had to grant it. And then -- and then she immediately recused herself, citing the fact that with a local attorney who was a party to the proceedings on the defense witness list, there would be an inevitable question of impartiality raised. Therefore, she decided that the only thing to do was continue the case until an out-of-town judge could be brought in to try the case. So, with one fell swoop, this twit of a Legal Aid lawyer, a little girl maybe a whole year out of law school, threw a monkeywrench into the proceedings and stopped them in their tracks.
Afterwards, plaintiff's attorney told us that he has something up his sleeve, some pleading he's going to file, that might vitiate the whole thing and make it unnecessary for us to come back to court as witnesses. He was smiling when he said it, so I hope it's a good move -- and that it works.
Thankfully, the promised cold front arrived late yesterday afternoon and it got almost chilly last night. It felt wonderful to sleep with the windows open and a cool breeze blowing. Even better, it's only going to be in the 80s for the next several days.
And now, onward to our fun-filled (she said, smiling) Thursday Q & A.
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
baffles me to know end
From that "editor" person we all know and dread by now --
taudry affair - Sordid fling with someone taut and buff.
bothel - Cut-rate bordello.
the bird squaked - The bird yelped when they tried to bake him.
You Should Own a Beagle |
![]() Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy. |
Interesting court story.
Happy HNT.
Congrats? Sorry? Not sure which way to go with that one. Happy no testify, but sad no resolution.
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
Cleaning my room at 10? No cash from mom if not clean so that counts.
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
Not as much as Oprah
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Really bad movies and celebrity gossip. Don't tell anyone.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yes, but I hope I am wrong. One time is quite enough thank you.
Yeah, I would have preferred a resolution, Kan. Since Mr. Scuz now knows who the witnesses are, I'd rather have gone on and testified and gotten it over with. I don't want to play a waiting game with this guy. Feeling like one has to look over one's shoulder sucks.
Regarding your #6, I think there's definitely something to be said for second chances.
The legal system SUCKS!
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
15 years old, worked as a stockboy for D&C(like Kresge)
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
YES!!! but at times I am strangely drawn to watch him.
I agree with kanrei, Oprah is much more annoying. I call her God when I see her.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Reality TV shows. It doesn't matter if it's Hells Kitchen or The Surreal House..I can't stop watching them.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yes, but we don't return as animals, we begin development where we left off when we died.
1. Jim
2. brocolli
3. Cafeteria, 16
4. I liked him in the Scary Movie spoof of Saw.
5. Gossip LOL
6. I'll let you know when I get back.
Cucumbers are a FRUIT.
The quiz didn't have my dog on it. Tried to give me a beagle. I hate beagles.
They are?! Then I have no favorite vegetable...wait, how about Paris Hilton?
I see a pattern emerging here, TC -- Dr. Phil is pretty daggone annoying. LOL.
Cucumbers are a FRUIT.
They are, Roxan? To me, fruits are something I can chop up and put on ice cream. I never put cucumbers on my ice cream.
I have no favorite vegetable...wait, how about Paris Hilton?
LMAO, Kan.
I suppose I ought to answer the questions myself. What's good for the goose...
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart? Kenny
2. What is your favorite vegetable? Potato
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you? Dairy Queen waitress, age 16
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you? SOOOO much.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure? Holing up for a day, totally incommunicado, with a trashy novel and a stash of junk food.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes. When you think about it, it only makes sense.
Do you put tomatoes on your ice cream? LOL
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
John David Shannon. He had beautiful eyes; one deep brown and one pale blue. We were six.
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
Edamame in the shell, warm & with salt (don't tell me, Roxan; they're legumes, right? So they don't count?)
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
Not counting babysitting? Cold-calling fundraising for the local community theatre and the new theatre-in-the-round (it's not new anymore, of course). I spent my seventeenth birthday in the men's dressing-room/phone bank, with no light, no air, stale cigarette smoke and a bunch of bitter theatre queens and a 400-lb New Orleans voodoo princess. It was great.
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
Yes, but only because he's Texan.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Lurking on blogs.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
No. It sounds too much like religion.
what a case! I hope you never have to go back there!
It sounds like a joke!Serena! you look so smart & smashing in the HNT
happy HNT!
What is it they say about fools representing themselves?
My answers:
1. Kyle - I don't know how her name was spelled, but I was only six.
2. Broccoli - HA! Don't try to tell me that's a fruit.
3. Swiss Colony, 16 years - Hey, my brother worked there first.
4. Yes. He's a self righteous bastid.
5. Um, buying books I should read, and never finishing them.
6. Nothings proven. I HOPE for it.
Well, not yet, Roxan. But you never know. When I go senile, I might develop a craving for Rocky Road with tomatoes on top.:-)
Aw, Camille, I'm misty-eyed over your 6-year-old heartbreak at the hands of the boy with the beautiful eyes. I don't go in for religion, but I do think reincarnation is a pretty good bet simply as part of Nature, or the Cosmos.
Thank you, Mona! I hope I don't have to go back, either, but I will if I have to, I guess.
Oh, wow, Charles, you got your heart broken at 6, too?:)
I hope for it, too. And I hope they never prove it, because then the mystique will be gone.
The last dog I had was a cocker spaniel, Missy...and she was a lovely old girl...very spoilt!
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
Resusci® Annie
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
Coal miner. 8.
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
Hell, yes.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
I'm a skeptic, I don't even believe in incarnation.
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
Cathy- and she never knew she broke it
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
Walking neighbors dogs- seven
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
Who's this Dr. Phil,that everyone's talkin about.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Expensive Whiskey
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Me be more concerned with whether reincarnation will believe in me when the time comes.
P.S. Good Giggles for "bothel"
I forgot to say I really like your picture, nice full body shot.:)
I think I want to tie tomato with potato
I think watermelon is a vegetable?
I had to redo the test, my first dog on the test was aN eFFIN POODLE.
You Should Own a Beagle
Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy.
Try to get to bed before 12am tonight
I've had Cockers, Lee, and it's impossible to not spoil them. They are THE sweetest things.:)
Resusci® Annie
Dear God, T. "She's" not who I think she is, is she? And hey, you told me you gave up the demon Ensure. I have to go cry now over the little 8-year-old boy who was forced to trudge 10 miles each way through the snow to the mines.:-)
Scary, if Dr. Phil is unknown there, you are LUCKY! I thought "bothel" was pretty funny, too. I can't remember now what word the poor thing was trying to say, but it wasn't brothel. It may have been bother. Expensive whiskey is a nice guilty pleasure. Bottoms up. And STOMP.
Why, thank you, TC. Your HNT pic was great! You poor thing -- I'm glad you were able to exchange the poodle for a beagle. I "think" watermelon is a fruit. That's how I eat it, anyway, and I AIN'T giving it up. I doubt very much whether I'm going to be in bed by 12:00.:-)
I think squash, zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons, cucumbers and all the gourds are in the same family, they all are from flowers and they all contain seeds. I'm pretty sure that technically makes them fruits.
Who's never heard of pickles and ice cream?
And another thing, why would you feel guilty about whiskey? Of course if you're driving...
I like T's #6 answer.:)
I never ate pickles & ice cream even when preggers, Charles. I guess those items technically are fruits, though.
I liked T's #6, too.
Why Serena Joy...
I do declare, you have a wonderful bottom!!!
Why, Galen, I am shocked. You didn't say a word about my shoes.:)
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart? Steve.
2. What is your favorite vegetable? Fresh tomatoes from the garden.
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you? Stuffing envelopes at the local university. Maybe I was 12 or so?
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you? Dear Lord yes!
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure? Blogging and reading gossip columns.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation? No.
Your bottom is nice and all, but those SHOES!!!
Good heavens, Greeny, you've been working since you were 12? I love freshly picked tomatoes, too. A tomato sandwich with mayo is heaven on a summer day.
I'm not sure whether the shoes get a yes or no vote, but after reading your post tonight, I now have to seriously wonder whether my bottom is deformed.:-)
Honey, you're all normal! That much I'm sure of.
God, I hope so, Greeny, but I'm thinking I'd better look at one of those, um, films just to be sure. LOL!
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
Green Beans (frozen or fresh)
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
I was 17 and I was a pretzel girl at the mall.
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
No, but his shows made just to get ratings do
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
blogging and crashing on my couch eating ice cream in my pjs.
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
No, I think every person gets one soul.
--snow :)
Snowelf, I can just see you as a perky little pretzel girl.:) Eating ice cream in your PJs is a great guilty pleasure. I do that much more than I'll ever admit to.
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
This is an oxymoron
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you?
Radio Announcer, 17
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you?
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
6. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not this time around.
I hope you don't have to go back to court. The jerks.
1. What was the first name of the first boy or girl who ever broke your heart?
Honestly, I can't remember
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
Artichokes right now. They're in season.
3. What was your first paying job, and how old were you? 6, the laundry
4. Does Dr. Phil annoy you? Hate the bastard. He needs to take his head out of his Texas arse.
5. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?
ice cream
6. Do you believe in reincarnation? yep
That's why you need the Pug there to represent you. I'll fight for you in court, no matter how many long hours and consecutive days it may take. Time? I have nothing but time, as long as Lady Justice keeps her blindfold on and allows me to do my magic.
Hi, MXI! It's so nice to see you pop out of hibernation. No veggies for you? How about those zany fruits - tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, etc?
Corn Dog, I can see that we need to throw an ice cream party. And if we invite boys, we'll have to serve whiskey.
Dr. Phil sure is popular around these parts, huh? LOL. Do you think Texas would even take him back?
You're hired, Puggy. I am confident that you will perform an exquisite bloodletting, so subtle that Mr. Scuz will never know what hit him.:)
Oh, I almost forgot to include my new slogan:
"When something smells fishy underneath the scales of justice, The Pug will be there."
Gotta run. I just heard a siren passing by. See you in court.
- Pug Puerileuwaite, Esq., SP*
(* Esquire Shoe Polish)
Do NOT fall beneath the wheels of that ambulance, Puggy, Esq., because I'm counting on your brand of shoe polish justice to get me results. I want the head off the carcass when you're done with him. How much is all this justice going to cost me?
Oh, just a little Pro Quid Pro Quo ;-)
I always pay my debts, Puggy, so I'm sure we can work something out.:-)
Woo-Woo! What a nice svelte figure! (You were wearing shoes?)
1)- Kathy
2)- Hominy
3)- mowing lawns at 14
4)- Does a bear shit in the woods? )Just beats out Doprah.
5)- Klondike Bars
6)- NO WAY!
For a true story about a redhead and love unrequited, (And if you like Harry Chapin's "Taxi")I think you'll like my "I Still Remember You" (7/12) and "Yes, I Still Remember You" (7/13).
Re: Dr. Phil -
Let us not forget that it was Oprah who unleashed him unto the world!
I think my butt looks pretty big, but thanks, Mike. Hominy is a vegetable?! My granny used to try and make me eat it. It was one of those things that the very sight of made me queasy.:)
I love Taxi!
Re: Dr. Phil -
Let us not forget that it was Oprah who unleashed him unto the world!
I remember well, and I've always held it against her.:-)
Hominy comes from a kind of corn with large white kernels. It is usually ground up to make grits.
I like it with pepper and melted butter.
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