Thursday, April 20, 2023

Easy State of Being

 Just chillin' on a Thursday. Don't have to be anywhere, don't have to do anything, don't have to see anybody if I don't want to. I love retirement! I can stay in my PJs til noon if I want to, though I rarely do. I can get up as early or as late as I wish and never be late for anything. I can take the time to fix a real breakfast any day of the week. I can plop down, put my feet up, and read any time the urge strikes. Schedules are a thing of the past, and good riddance.

I do  have an alarming number of sleepless nights, though; nights when my brain just won't shut up and leave me alone. I don't know why it thinks it matters whether I made a wrong choice or should have done something differently decades ago. Or why I'm suddenly thinking about people I went to school with back in the Stone Age. Does that happen to you?

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