Sometimes I feel like the Invisible Woman. Sometimes people talk around me, and I'm just not rude enough to say, "Hello! I'm over here, I can hear you."
Sometimes the people to whom I make valid complaints minimize them. That pisses me off. I'm not nuts; I don't imagine stuff -- except for the stuff I've gotten paid for imagining and setting down on paper. It kind of makes me feel diminished, you know?
Sometimes people downplay the things that I tell them are bothering me, as though it were nothing. I don't know if it's to save face on their part, but it pisses me off.
Why can't my own BFF, who spreads attagirls all over, toss one my way every now and then, maybe every second or third full moon? I am not above a hard-earned attagirl. Pisses me off.
Why do people at work habitually help themselves to things they find on my desk and take off with them, sometimes never to be seen again? That totally pisses me off. I don't liberate other people's junk, but maybe I should start.
If I'm going to be the Invisible Woman, then I'm going to be the Invisible Woman, and I want my own TV series. I'm thinking I should wear a swirly pink tulle skirt, probably pretty short, with a coordinating long cape in a darker pink -- velvet, of course. And a damn fine looking tiara, fiery sparkly enough to blind a lesser mortal. I'm not sure about pink tights -- that might not look too good on TV -- but pink boots with stiletto heels would be a must. I'm not going to date Batman because I think he's got something going on with Robin, which would render me the Invisible Date, but Iron Man's kind of cute.
I'll let you know when I get my channel and time slot.

I hear you. I can't tell you how many memoirs I've read by 'women of a certain age' who all say, "I feel invisible." I've said it myself a time or ten...
I'm thinking we can run with that invisible thing, though. Perhaps we can quit buying clothes and just go naked everywhere?? LOL! Sending Love, Hugs, and Poor Babies to you!!
"When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it." ~Mark Twain
Hell, Marion, if we're invisible anyway, I don't see why we can't run around naked. It's not like anybody's looking, and it would save a bundle on clothes. :-)
I can NOT believe that people are ignoring you.
I believe that because you are so tiny and slight that they just don't see you!!
But if you do get your own TV series...Drop The Tiara!
But then again, if you are invisable, what difference would it make what color anything you wore?
I believe that you should be naked, except for the tights and Boots! Unless of course your clothes can be invisable....:P
Blogging at work?
I have to insist on the tiara, Mr. G. Without something bright and shiny, how are they going to see me coming? Because I'm, like, invisible, you know. The color of the outfit, BTW, matters to ME. It's my show and I get to wear what I want. Ummmmm, aren't you, too, blogging at work?:-)
Yes I am...Thank you for asking!
I knew it!:-)
attagirl serena - great post!
You would be so chic, mon cher! Let me know when the premiere is!
Oh, and atta girl! ( I love your truthful rants, it makes me want to do the same!)
I don't think I'm invisible. I am, however, usable, for just about everything anyone needs to do, but doesn't want to. Enable, enable....
Thanks for that attagirl, Don. I needed it!:)
OMG, it's raining attagirls! Thanks, Quid. You'll be getting a front row seat at my premier AND a pass to the after party. Meanwhile, Invisible Girl has duct tape on her mouth to ward off a lot of invisible cussing. Invisible Girl in a mood.:)
Iron Man is kinda hot. And he's funny! You need a dude who can make a girl laugh.
I don't think you should have to go naked. I remember your old office being ridiculously cold and no reason to be uncomfortable or anything. So, since there's no way of saying this nicely, I think anyone who doesn't see you should have their eyes gouged out. They obviously aren't using them.
A dude who can keep you laughing -- and not because he thinks you're being silly -- is a keeper, Snow. And my goodness, Miss Snow, you have the heart of a Warrior Princess. Damn straight there should be eye gouging!:-)
What is with her, today?
Dude, I have no idea. You know redheads.
No, I don't. I've always been afraid of them. They seem to be high-maintenance. Plus there's always that homicidal aspect. And NOW I have to worry that they may go full-postal if I "borrow" something off of their desk or "heaven forbid" - out of their "unmentionables" drawer - for my shrine? Geez.
That's just creepy. She shouldn't react that way. However, by the same token (what does that mean, anyway?), she wrote this entire post while pretending we were not in the room. Talk about "compartmentalization".
Not everyone is proud of "Ménage à Pug", unless they are European. And Serena stopped being European ever since EuroDisney shut down. She probably stopped wearing berets, horizontally-striped shirts and eschewed chain-smoking. Anyhoo, we'd better stop, lest we provide aven more fodder for her Twisted Linguistics.
Geez, Puggles, you need to have a talk with Black Bart. Who knew he was scared of redheads?! Tell him they're actually halfway decent, fairly normal people. You don't want to poke one, though, because they'll bite. Maybe you shouldn't mention what happens when somebody steals their unmentionables. He already seems a bit nervous.;)
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