Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Boy, time really flies when you're having fun -- or whatever. Yesterday was pretty ho-hum, but now it's Hump Day again already. Have a happy one!

Your Quirk Factor: 83%

You're beyond quirky... You're downright bizarre.

You've lost touch with social norms and what's appropriate. And you're loving every minute of it!

Serena. Champagne for the Brain.

That pretty much sums you up!


G-Man said...

Bizarre Serena....
Champagne for the Brain?

Mental Galen...
Beer for your Ear!
Wine for your Spine!
Cider for your...Your...
Nothing rhymes with Cider Grrrrr.

Serena said...

Well, that's all right, Mr. G. Cider's probably bad for the liver, anyway.

snowelf said...

Champagne for the brain rocks!


snowelf said...

p,s, so, um, yea, so I did my slogan and it's Smile! You're in Snowelf!

I don't know whether to be flattered or offended! :P


Serena said...

LOL, Snow. Champagne... Ain't that a hoot?:-)

About that slogan and flattered v. offended -- I think it would depend entirely upon the circumstances. I mean, if it were Johnny Depp saying it...:)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love your style..
keep it up.