Winter has definitely, for real and for true, set in. Saturday, it snowed. It was very pretty but, luckily, it was only about an inch and much of it was gone by yesterday afternoon. Which was a good thing, because I had to go out. My cell phone died yesterday morning -- and the cell phone store didn't open 'til 1:00. Turned out to be a dead battery -- so dead that it wouldn't even charge. You'd think the stupid things could warn you they're dying, but noooo. In any event, they gave me a new battery, completely gratis, and sent me home smiling. It's kind of scary how cut off you feel when your phone dies.
Last night, the temperature dipped into the 20s. It was windy, so it felt even colder. I bundled up and got the dog out and walked before dark, so that wasn't too bad. Last night, the dog and I cranked up the heat, pigged out on hullless popcorn, and watched TV under a blanket. I have flannel sheets on my bed, so I slept in a toasty, cozy cocoon while listening to the wind howl. If only I hadn't had to get UP this morning. Brrrr.
Y'all have a good Monday, and stay warm.
It's cold as a well digger's ass (as Mama would say) here, too! I do not like cold!!! No snow, but frost. I had to break down and turn on my heat, dammit! LOL! Stay warm. xoxo
Well, I know you hated to give in and turn the heat on, but thank God you're warm! I hate damn Winter.:) xoxo
You need a Hot Toddy!!!
Stay Warm.....G
You're right, Galen -- a hot toddy is exactly what I need. Now, how do you mix one?:)
What a coincidence! One of my nicknames is "Hot Toddy", and trust me: I'm already a mixer.
Well, why haven't you already fixed me one, Puggles? It's COLD!;)
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