I would like for you all to help me out here and start chanting now for the early onset of Spring.

Chanting exactly what, and to whom, I have no idea. I'm not sure it makes any difference. It's the thought -- and thought is energy.
Oh, great and powerful Oz...
Okay, maybe not.
Although, I'm still not sure it makes much difference as long as some kind of words are coming out. If you put just a little thought into your chant, that produces energy.
Oh, great and supreme universe...
You're chanting, aren't you? No? Why, just look at the pretty picture! Don't you want to see that, like soon?

When you actually commence to chanting, that generates more energy. And the more waves of energy we can send out, the greater our chances of success. Am I right?
Dear Easter Bunny...
Forget that that's silly and just chant, please. Get that energy going!
Oh, sunny and fragrant if slightly homely goddess of fertility...

Might want to be careful with that one, but what the heck, I'm willing to do fertility rites if that's what it takes.
Yo, oingo boingo, bonka-bada-bam...
Are you chanting? Aren't you as anxious for Springtime as I am? I can't take much more snow and ice and single-digit wind chill.
Hey, I think I can hear you out there. Thank you so much!
Just think, this could be the end result of all that chanting.

Commence to chanting Miss Sherry?
Down by the Cee-ment Pond?
OK...Right after Vittles!!
*tuning fork against Jello*
"Spring is sprung...TOING...that's why it's snowing!"
Fix your sprung spring, and six weeks after the groundhawg misdiagnoses meteorology for the next couple months, MAYBE...
Never mind the provisions, brother G. Just chant! I want some Springtime, and I want it NOW. 'Nuff said, right?;)
Maybe if we lay off the Jello, Skunk, Spring will spring faster. Let it be known that hell knoweth no fury like a freezing woman tangling with a misinformed groundhog. If that hairy little rodent doesn't give me what I want, I'm sticking a sweet potato in his snout and throwing a barbecue.:)
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