Thursday, October 28, 2010

Haiku for the Brains

myspace layouts

With three days to go 'til All Hallows Eve, wouldn't this be an excellent time to hone your writing skills? Of course it would! If you're so inclined, and assuming you're still in possession of your brain and operating under your own power, why not hit the keyboard and write a spooky haiku to share with your kindred spirits. It'll make me happy. It might make you happy, too.

Vacant eyes, sly grins,
Gazing at my head. Oh, no --
Zombies. Hide my brain!

Yeah, zombies are part of nature, too. Haiku, you.


G-Man said...

Always Wandering
In search of the perfect meal.
The Brains of Sherry!!!


That true Zombie Look.
Wouldn't be complete without.
Wild hair...Ashy face!

Serena said...

Geez, Galen -- wild hair, ashy face? Who slipped you a photo of me this morning? I think my brains are safe for the nonce, but thank you for haikuing me.;)

Skunkfeathers said...

When you hear "yum yum"
and they eat the English Prof,
Halloween is h'yar ;)

*ducking boos and haiku books*

Bubba said...

Haiku? (Gesundheit!)

Slowly shuffling
The undead endlessly search
For fresh, tasty brains

Serena said...

Good one, Skunk. I love it!;)

Kudos, Eric! It's perfect for the season.:)