Monday, May 01, 2023

Civil Civics?

Politics are on my mind these days. A lot. I would think they're on most thinking peoples' minds. In these times of divisiveness, civil unrest, and alternate reality, it had darn well better be.

I know it's a naïve thought and will never happen in my lifetime, but shouldn't the 2-party political system be done away with? Seriously. Get rid of PACs and lobbyists and special interests and big money, candidates trashing each other, candidates creating public spectacles, yada yada. Parties can be fraught with special interests, personal agendas, self-importance, in-fighting, self-aggrandizing, and so on and so on. Pit two sides, each with a collective agenda, against each other and there is going to be fighting. Duh. It's Playground 101. That does the people and the country no good.

Why don't we just run people? Completely independent candidates who are considered the cream of the crop in their home districts -- calm, rational, reasonable, intelligent people of integrity and good character. Dilettantes, degenerates, too young, too old, thugs, narcissists in it for the power and glory, slaves to party power, charlatans, sleazeballs, zealots, criminals, whack jobs, and zombies need not apply. Just elect the best people for the job, party be damned.

Of course, it's a pipe dream. But maybe, one of these days...

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