What would be the perfect way to cap off the coldest day (so far) this year? Why, snow, of course! It's snowing outside, and it looks bee-yew-tee-ful. It's probably only going to do two to four inches, which means I'll probably have to go to work in the A.M. At some point, anyway. Probably not exactly on time.
It looks so pretty coming down. At the rate it's falling, there will be a pristine blanket of white outside my windows soon. It's too bad that in another few minutes it will be too dark to watch it fall. I could, of course, bundle up like Sasquatch and mosey outside to commune with nature, but I probably won't. Not tonight. It's warm in here, and I do so love my creature comforts.
It's shaping up to be an evening for a good, long soak in a nicely scented tub of hot, steamy water. Then I'll put on my über sexy flannel jammies, maybe have some hot chocolate -- with marshmallows -- and try to catch up on all the stuff I'm behind on.
I love a snowy night, albeit not as much as rainy nights. A steady, melodic rain tapping out a lullaby on the roof in the dead of night is my Nirvana.
I adore the sound of rain on the roof, too. I love rainy days and nights and am never heard complaining about it. Where I live it doesn't snow, but I often fantasize about snuggling up in front of a log fire with a warm drink, a good book and if I was lucky an equally warm and good man! I think I will stick with the drink and book...my luck has run out in the man department! :(
Thanks for popping into my blog, Serena...it was nice to 'see' you. :)
Snuggle in and stay warm, Grrrl.
Or should that be, "Brrrl"?
Oh, good, Lee -- another rain lover. I'm not crazy about rainy days when I have to be out and about. It's messy, and I'm not crazy about being sopping wet. I wish it would rain every night, though. Those are the nights I know I'll sleep.
After my bubbly bath, I'm all Grrrl tonight, Little Bird. Definitely not Brrrl -- I think I had the water too hot because now I'm hot as hell.:)
Me loves all kinds of weather. Me just don't want to be outside when it happens. Me can weather a storm from me sofe and me is not certain whether or not me prefers rain or snow. Either way Me finds it comforting to curl up with a book when it's storming. Something soothing like Wuthering Heights.
I love a good storm, Scary Mon. If it happens at night, I love to crawl into bed and listen to it. If it's in the daytime and I'm at home, curling up with a book is perfect -- preferably a scary thriller. Heathcliff on the moors doesn't quite do it for me.:)
As with all posts that begin with "It's snowing", I did not and could not read this one as I sit in my boxers and bathrobe with the AC blowing while I dream of snow, but I know you hate it. I am sorry you have to deal with it and would trade with you in a second if I could.
LOL, Kan. I have on a bathrobe, but no boxers. Oddly enough, I'm not hating this snow. It's the first real snow I've seen this year, and it's beautiful. Of course, I say that from inside where it's cozy and warm. I may change my tune when I have to wade through it in the morning. Then I'll be cursing you for your 70s and AC.:)
It's been a very strange winter to say the least. We have yet to reach a total accumulation of 2 inches of snow for the entire winter!
....I'm not complaining, because my job requires me to drive from location to location all day long. I hate driving in the stuff.
....Yesterday it was COLD! It was 5 degrees at 8AM with a wind chill of 10 below. Later in the day the winds picked up to 50-60 mph gusts and the wind chill fell to about 25 below!
THis weather report brought to you by Nanook of the Northeast.
Your temps and wind sound like what we've been having here, Nanook. It's astonishing that you're not getting any snow up there in Snow Country. It has been a very strange winter, that's for sure. We hadn't really had any winter until the past few days. It's still snowing here -- and the roads are getting worse and the idiots who don't know how to drive in snow keep on wrecking.
Hello Serena. I want to thank you for visiting my blog. I have read your comments on Scary Monster's blog and you guys seem have a lot of fun. I'll be posting pictures and stories from Japan from time to time so if your ever in the mood for sushi, drop on by.
LOL, Kan. I have on a bathrobe, but no boxers.
LOL, are you coming on to me? =P
Thank you, NYD. I'll definitely drop by for some sushi.
LOL, Kan. I was merely observing that I don't find boxers terribly feminine.:)
Flannel is hot.
Do you think, Lord Pug? I will admit that those flannel nighties can get pretty damn hot if one forgets to turn the heat down.:)
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