Saturday, December 09, 2006

Short Stuff

I've been in a state of perpetual motion all day long and yet it seems like I'm getting nothing done. What's that?! I think I'll give it another hour or so and then ... take a nap. If it looks (finally) like something has been accomplished, great. If not, who cares? Not I!

There are things offered for sale that you look at and think, "Who on earth would be stupid enough or desperate enough to buy that?" Not to mention, "There's a sucker born every minute." Some things, however, may look slightly stupid at first blush, but then you look at it again and the light bulb in the brain goes off and says, "Yes! That is a good idea!" That was my thought when I saw this item, to-wit: Doggie Stairs.

My dog is little, with short little legs. My bed, on the other hand, is high. She can't get on it without a little help, because it's too high for her to jump at her age. I've had a footstool up against the bed to give her a boost, but then the other day I saw the doggie stairs in a catalogue and immediately ordered a set. They're soft and highly portable, with a washable cover. Perfect! And as soon as they arrive, the footstool can go back in front of the easy chair where it belongs.

It was so cold yesterday that the pup had to wear her little red jacket when she went for her walk. It closes with Velcro at the tummy, and I knew I had caught some of her hair (she needs a haircut!) in the Velcro. When it was time to take the jacket back off, it was a delicate operation indeed, trying to remove the long, silky hair from the Velcro placket without yanking it out by its roots. I'm sure I didn't pull her hair and didn't hurt her, but ask me how happy she was about the whole thing. Thankfully, it's not as cold today and she can go out naked.


Rex Zeitgeist said...

Ha, that is adorable......I just recently started letting my cat sleep on the bed, now its her's....

My ex would let her two dogs and two cats up on the bed all the time....I would wake up every morning with a mouthful of animals hair.....

Serena said...

Shoot, my dog owns everything in the house, including me. She won't sleep anywhere except my bed, so I've gotten used to doggie snoring, gas, getting kicked in the back with 4 feet, etc.:)