Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dear Santa...

Twisted Linguistics
are coming so hot and heavy right now that we might as well use them while they're hot.

she riped him off
very none threatening
yo weez gots a badassmutha-threw this one in just because.
suden detah

Dear Santa,

Hello! My name is Bud and I live in Witchita. I would like for you to bring me a ticket to the upcoming Suden Detah Writiers Play-offs convention in DeDels. I am very pathitic, having sudebnly lost my job and, consequently, the oportuntities to pay the fare myself. This has been barely baairable for me since the indedels I worked for made the decsion to move their company to Respone. Long story short, the boss's wife, she riped him off. She said to him as she was cleaning out the house of valuables, "Yo weez gots a badassmutha-threw this one in just because." I don't know what that means. Neither did he. She sounded so very none threatening when they first got married last month, and now this. The company is gone. Well. That's their story. My story is that I've taken a suden detah into poverty. I really, really want to attend that conference so I can learn how to become a puiblished author. If I don't get to go, it will wound me all the way down to my thuimop. If you will just leave me the ticket, Santa, I will love you forever. And I will leave you some badassmutha big cookies and milk that's guaranteed no more than one day past expiration date.

Bud the Writiers


Rex Zeitgeist said...


Isn't that an ancient demon from Nordland?

ahahahaha, better have those muthatrucking cookie ready!

Serena said...

Isn't that an ancient demon from Nordland?

Sounds about right. LOL.

better have those muthatrucking cookie ready!

Santa, is that you?:)

Rex Zeitgeist said...

And a bowl of soup!

Santa the Greedy Industialist

Serena said...

And what do I get for the cookies and soup?