Ohhhh, it's so cold and windy here. It's time to dig out the winter coats and jackets. I'm really partial to my leather jacket and wear it more than any of my others. It seems awfully early in the season, but I do believe I'll be wearing it tomorrow.
The window guys finished up today, and everything looks terrific. (We won't talk about the dreadful mess one of them left in my bathroom. Suffice it to say it didn't please me to come home from work and have to immediately clean up the toilet after some strange man.) It's just too bad that it's so cold I can't open my windows -- which I can now do so effortlessly. Dang!
The dog seems to be stalking me. Again. A couple of times this afternoon I've been sitting in my desk chair or lying on the sofa when I hear this hissing noise. I look down, and there she is -- just sitting there, staring at me. And hissing. I don't know what she wants. Something, obviously, that she thinks I've deprived her of.
The across-the-street neighbors started on their Christmas display Saturday. Actually, their numbers have been reduced to one aging lady. But never fear, her sons and grandchildren show up religiously to help get the extravaganza set up. And what might that be, you ask? It's -- LIGHTS. Thousands of them. Hanging off the house, draped in the trees, wrapped around the fence and gates -- and illuminating the Christmas trees, Nativity scene, reindeer, elves, snowmen, angels, big toy soldiers, humongous candy canes, and God knows what else in the yard. (There's something new added every year.) And let us not forget the huge Santa with sleigh and reindeer on the roof. They will work on assembling all this stuff from now until Thanksgiving. They flip the switch on Thanksgiving night, and will light up the neighborhood (and create traffic jams) every night from then until New Year's Eve. I've gotten used to it over the years. I simply put up velvet "blackout" curtains behind my regular curtains and shutters. Otherwise, you could sit in my living room with the lights out at midnight and still be able to read. I'll be sure and snap a photograph of our annual neighborhood Winter Wonderland so you all can see. Some of the neighbors curse all the hubbub and call it tacky and garish. And, of course, it is. I kind of like it, though. I guess it's grown on me.
I'll tell you what's tacky and garish. You know that little icon up in the top right-hand corner that says "Next Blog"? Sometimes, I'll scroll through some of them. Some of them are very interesting and fun; in fact, that's how I've met some of you. But some of them -- hoochie-mama! I'm no prude, but I really don't get off on seeing peoples' goods splayed wide open. I'm not impressed by vulgar terms for said goods and what such, er, assets can be used for, either -- and I certainly don't want to see them in action. Yuck.
Wow, I am going blog hopping with my pants down!!! WOO HOOOO
Ok, maybe not...you will be glad you got your windows done.....they are one of the best ways to improve your home both in value and energy efficiency....
Rex! For Pete's sake, I guess you want me to tell you which blogs now, don't you? LOL.
True about the windows. It's really cold tonight and I can feel the difference. No drafts. Of course, I have my pants on. Thick ones. Nuh-uh, you're not gonna live that one down any time soon. :)
The thing I always look at before I buy a house for rehabbing is the windows..I try and get one that it is already upgraded...
It is a major expense to do new windows, but worth its weight in gold..
OH MAN, my word verification; qvimmfnrmix
That is a word verification and a half, Rex.
Some of the houses in our town go to town on the Christmas lights, so much so that the local bus company runs tours around them! Husband won't go on a tour saying they're tacky but I have a sneaky desire to see the lights. I will look forwardto the photo instead. Do they have the music and the lights flashing in tune?
I've never followed the Next Blog link and I'm not sure if I want to now!
I did follow a link from someone else's blog to 'Girl with a one track mind' thinking it would be chocolate, like the rest of us!
Is she actually hissing? That is quite disturbing. Has she been in touch with Devorah?
Sheesh, I can't begin to pronounce that word. Sounds like something Haggis would understand. LOL.
I did follow a link from someone else's blog to 'Girl with a one track mind' thinking it would be chocolate, like the rest of us!
I'm guessing it wasn't chocolate? Makes you wonder, doesn't it? No; mercifully, those lights don't flash.
Is she actually hissing? That is quite disturbing. Has she been in touch with Devorah?
It's more like a cross between a hiss and a grunt, sort of like I imagine a warthog might sound. Yes, I do suspect she's been in secret contact with Devorah.
I still need to buy a pumpkin. I might post a naked picture of it.
LMBO, Steve. At least let it keep its shoes on so it won't be so embarrassed.
What does LMBO mean?
LMBO = Laughing My Butt Off :)
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