Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Great Piles of Junk

This is one week's worth of junk mail. I not only get deluged with spam in my e-mail, but I get piles of it in my snail mail, too. For some arcane reason known only to the retail gods, companies I bought one item from years ago feel compelled to spend the money to send me a new catalogue every week. Oh, and see the blue and yellow items on the sideboard at the right? Those are extra phone books that have been dumped on my doorstep. Why do they think I need more than one? I'm not running an empire.

I don't really mind the e-mailed spam, because it's so easy to get rid of -- one click and it's gone. Somebody, however, has to bag up all that paper spam and haul it to the dumpster. That would be me. This is way more work than I want to be doing.

Monday, January 30, 2012


The vast majority of my spam lately has been offers from pill-pushers, mostly foreign, hawking just about every drug under the sun. I mean, geez, do I look like I'm on my deathbed? Or a junkie? Admittedly, I could probably benefit from a nice tranquilizer lately, but how do they know that? And why do they think I need Viagra?

Shoot, if you want to spam me, Stupid Spammers, send me something useful -- like shoe coupons. Or great deals on hot (and no, I don't mean that kind of hot) jewelry or dresses or dog supplies.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

I'm tired at the end of this tough week, but I do have enough energy left to say -- TGIF!

Do the quiz -- and trust me, it ain't deep and it won't take long -- share your results, and then go have a great weekend.


What Sherry Means: S is for Snarky

S is for Snarky

H is for Hip

E is for Energetic

R is for Relaxed

R is for Refined

Y is for Yummy

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Makes You Wonder

I have Twisted Linguistics for you today, a bunch of words gone wild pulled from various sites, written by people who should have known better. Makes me wonder. Also makes me giggle. Some days it doesn't take much. I like days like that.

they didn't fair as well
collaborated his testimony
vett the information

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Hero - What a Cutie!

Nice day Scrap

The sun is out, I'm breathing, and most of my parts are working. Yep, it's a good day. And better yet, it's Hump Day. Have a happy one!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wedding Bell Blues

Wedding Ring

69-year-old Aretha Franklin recently announced her engagement to Mr. Willie Wilkerson. Today, she's announcing that there will be no wedding. Apparently, things were moving too fast.

Excusez-moi? Aretha, honey, you're 69. Time goes faster with each passing year -- and it's just going to get faster. And how do we know that other stuff doesn't slow down, rust, or crash or something exponentially each year? You know what I mean? Good grief, girl, go for it! None of us are getting any younger.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Who Needs Monday?

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Who needs Mondays? I guess we all need Mondays. Otherwise, we'd never get to the other days of the week. Everything has a starting point.

It's a gray, wet day; not particularly cold, albeit it started off with some freezing rain. But all in all -- yuck. Not that it matters much. I'm stuck all day in my crappy little work cubby where it's always yucky. There's gotta be a better way...

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

I'm glad it's Friday. I absolutely must go to the grocery store; I'm out of just about everything. After I do that, though, I plan to lie around and vegetate for the rest of the day. House cleaning and stuff can wait 'til tomorrow.


You Are Disturbingly Profound

You're contemplative, thoughtful, and very intense.

Taking time to figure out the meaning of life is a priority for you.

Because you're so introspective, you often react in ways that surprise people.

No one can really understand how you are on the inside... and that disturbs them.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Have a Lovely

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And enjoy the song.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Stop and Smell the Flowers

One of these days, I hope to have time to stop and smell the flowers. It won't be this week. Or next. I've been working my hump off and still taking two steps backwards for every step forward. Sooner or later, something's going to have to give.

Today, I'm not worrying about it. It's Hump Day. Happy, Happy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Which way to go Picture

Things aren't always what they seem, are they? Before we hit the road, may we always have good eyesight -- and good brakes.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lazy 13

Dang, the weather's gone schizoid again -- from near 60 yesterday to frigid and blustery with a chance of snow today. Yuck. I think I'll just stay in and make another pot of coffee. I'll probably do a few chores and a little reading, and have a nap this afternoon for sure. The poor dog is going to be bored to death because she won't be getting out much today. On the other hand, she likes having her "mom" home with her.

Happy Friday the 13th and TGIF!

You Are Having a Violet Day

You are feeling especially connected to the world today.

You are looking to gain a new perspective on life - through deep reflection and introspection.

You are taking the time to appreciate everything the world has to offer, even if you end up spoiling yourself a little.

Today is the kind of day where you demand the best. You want to be as decadent as possible.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Moon Rain and Crap

Lady in Rollers with Coffee

I'm in a bad, bad mood today. Maybe it's Monday's moon just now hitting me. Or maybe it's all the rain that's fallen over the past 24 hours. I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is and it'll go when it goes.

How many of you subscribe to the comments from the blogs you comment on; i.e., you get follow-up comments via e-mail? If you do, then you know you sometimes get comments in your e-mail that either never see the light of day on the blog in question or get deleted by the blog owner. I find some of those fascinating! I'm funny that way, I guess.

Well, you probably saw this coming before I did. I won't be taking any more calls from Crazy Ex-Boss Lady. She hired Skank Girl back. I know this because I got a call from Skank Girl at work yesterday on one of my cases. It's hard to have any respect for someone who rehires somebody who embezzled from her not once, but two times. And this was after SG's stint in prison for embezzling from and defrauding other people. I'm sorry I felt sorry for CEBL.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simple Needs

Dog Under Blankie

My favorite word today is -- actually, two words. They are ... pillow, and blanket. And really, one isn't much good without the other. When the sun goes down, dinner is over, the dog has been walked, I've had a nice warm bath and smell fairly decent, and it's getting cold outside, my pillow starts beckoning me. It's fluffy and soft and, encased in its flannel pillowcase, luxuriously warm.

When I think about the quilt on top of the soft cotton blanket on top of the flannel sheets just lying there exuding warm fuzzies, I'd go to bed at 7:00 o'clock if I didn't have other things to do. When I do finally crawl in, it feels divine.

It also feels pretty heavenly when I drag my pillow and blankie to the couch for a long, languid nap on a weekend afternoon. Ahhhhh. A good pillow and a warm blanket go a long way.

Have a Happy Hump Day -- and a nap if you can get it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She Just Says No

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
What do you do when really weird people -- and I'm talking the kind of weird that just makes you feel icky -- follow you on Twitter and are clearly expecting to be followed in return? I have a currently favorite word, and that word is no. And by maintaining silence, I'm saying no to the weirdness.

Does my aversion to certain weirdnesses (and I do know I'm a little weird myself in a benign kind of way) make me shallow? I say no. And I think I mean it.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Twisted Monday

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

I'm not going to complain about Monday. They happen to everybody, and everybody mans up and takes it.

The only thing I'm going to complain about today is the people who get on the Internet and write stuff filled with Twisted Linguistics. And I'm only half-heartedly complaining about that, because the damn things do make me laugh -- like this bunch of words gone wild:

ticket stubb
comming forward
aboue ground

Defy the odds and have a great Monday!

Friday, January 06, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

I've got some wheeling and dealing to do later this morning. Hopefully, I'll end up with a deal I can live with. We shall see. If not... Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I sure would like to say adios to the Satan's Insane Spawn I've been working for, though.

When I get back home, I'm going to straighten up a little bit and read on my Kindle. I got a Kindle for Christmas and I absolutely love it. What a perfect invention for people who love books but who are running out of shelf space. Later, I see a nap on my horizon.

I love Fridays.


Connection Inspires You

You bond easily with other people. You have close and meaningful relationships.

You would do anything for the people you care about. Thinking about them keeps you going.

Your still waters run deep. There is a lot more to you than meets the eye.

You think about how your actions effect others. You act deliberately.

Thursday, January 05, 2012


I seem to have picked up another one of those Wintertime "bugs." Coming right on the heels of the cold I just got over, I could do without this. I'm sneezy, my nose is runny and, worst of all, I've been feeling nauseated for two days. Of course, the nausea could be a side effect of all the BS I see every day.

All I know is, I don't feel good. And I'm not happy about it. I have stuff to do and would prefer to be at my best. I'm really, really hoping to be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat any day now and tell the Weirdos on the Dark Side where they can store all their BS.

If you know any "get well" spells, you may start chanting them now.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


It's feeling like a deep freeze here. The high temperature yesterday was 26. With the blustery wind, it felt like 12. I had a hard time getting my heat regulated last night. I left the thermostat on about 72 when I left for work, but the temperature in my apartment when I got home was only 63. I know that when there's a combination of cold and wind, my heat pump sometimes can't handle it, which means I need to switch to (mondo expensive!) auxiliary heat. It took me a while to get it set just right, but I got it.

The good news is, it'll be 40 today. Better news is that it'll be back to 60 by Friday.

And the even better news is, it's Wednesday already. Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

A Little New Year's Craziness

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I had to work yesterday, which was the official New Year's holiday. When I got to work, I found out that the other two staff members had been given yesterday off -- except that one of them opted to take Friday off instead. Therefore, one of them got her holiday on Friday and the other on Monday. I got none. Hmph!

It was, therefore, just as well that I have an "option," bizarre as it is. How bizarre is it? You be the judge.

I had a message Saturday afternoon from my former Crazy Boss Lady. I called her back Sunday to see what exactly she wanted. It seems that Skank Girl (y'all remember her) got caught embezzling again -- $30,000 this time -- and got fired again. The Do-Nothing Paralegal quit a couple of weeks ago and took another job, so Crazy Boss Lady has absolutely nobody working for her and rather desperately tried to talk me into coming back to work for her, thanking me profusely for even talking to her and promising "no more drama." My spidey senses were telling me to "Run, fool!" But the woman actually cried twice while we were talking and I felt a little bit sorry for her, so I told her I'd come over Friday and talk to her and at least help her out on a temporary at-home basis. If nothing else, I can make some quick money by bringing home a few files and cranking out some critical divorce decrees and depositions over the weekend.

As far as actually going back to work for her, she'd have to make me a hell of a deal. If you had asked me around noon yesterday whether I'd seriously consider it, I'd have said "Yes, and I'm going right now!" Luckily, good old-fashioned common sense prevailed and I stuck it out with the Spawn of the Dark Side. I honest to God don't know how many more days I can do it, though. I must have muttered "Buttwad!" 50 times yesterday.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Monkey See...

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The New Year is off to a surreal start around here. And I'm talking real woo-woo freaky weird surreal stuff. More about that at a later date.

For now, Happy New Year and wishes for a good Monday!

P.S. -- I think it's ridiculous that I have to work today. It is, after all, a flippin' holiday. I'd better not see any monkey business today. I have, suddenly ... options.:)