Friday, June 29, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

Once again, our Friday Blogthing is more off than on spot. Competent, yes, I generally am. Focused, sometimes. Protection from moochers and parasites, I'm all for. But the rest of it is, I'm afraid, pure poppycock.

It's gonna be a hot weekend -- 102 degrees tomorrow. This is the mountains of Virginia. This is insane!

Whatever the weather's doing where you are, enjoy your weekend!

Your Sunglasses Say You're a Leader

You are competent, direct, and powerful.

You are focused on success in all aspects of your life.

You need to be shaded from moochers and parasitic people.

You feel sunniest when you're around people as driven and and brilliant as you are.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hunkering Down

Memo: Happy Hump Day! - Images and gifs for social networks

I'm going out early today to get my shopping done before it gets too hot. Then, I'm cranking up the AC and going into siege mentality for the next few days because it's going to be too hot to breathe outside. Other than to take the dog out -- and she'd better be quick -- I'm not going out unless I have to during the heat wave. It's going to be 99 or 100 degrees Saturday. Great balls of fire!

Happy Hump Day, and stay cool!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Muy Caliente


It's been hot, hot, hot here. We're getting a break from the heat today, but it's going to start creeping back up tomorrow. We're looking at 95 degrees Friday. Ugh! That's not fit for man nor beast -- or women prone to heat-induced crankiness.

In the past week, I've gotten new Internet service and a new Android phone with a new carrier, both cheaper than what I had before. I'm all about cheap bargains.

I'm going to attempt to give the dog a bath today. I say attempt, because God knows how she'll react. She's old, half senile, and crankier than I am. If she doesn't want to do something, she ain't gonna do it.

Have a good Tuesday and I'll see you maƱana.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Friday Thingonmyblog

Yeah, I know -- it's not Friday today. So, what we have here is the Friday ThingonmyblogonaSaturday. I'm certainly not vouching for the accuracy of this one, other than the "harmony" and "logical" part. I do consider myself reasonably competent. And God knows, I do crave logic and and highly prize harmony. As for the rest of it, well -- I've been described as slightly hyper during certain full moons. And I suppose some small children -- and dogs -- might find me a touch overwhelming; not many halfway bright adults do, though. Public romance? Ha! Not in this decade.

Have a wonderful weekend!

You Are Skilled

You are balanced and competent. You value harmony.

Other people see you as outgoing, hyper, and even a bit overwhelming.

Your ideal romantic relationship is unconventional, wild, and very public.

You do best in tasks that require you to be logical, hard-working, and courageous.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quack Happy

Wednesday: Have a Quacker of a day - Images and gifs for social networks

No quackery here -- if it's Wednesday, it's Hump Day. Have a good one!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Was A Great Weekend, But...

I thoroughly enjoyed my long weekend getaway. We left on Friday and came back yesterday.

In between eating and shopping and other girl stuff, I spent a lot of time here, in my sister's back yard in Wilmington, North Carolina. It was crazy hot and humid but, oddly enough, none of us even got in the pool all weekend.

I got up close and personal enough with this little guy (I have no idea what kind of lizard he is) to snap a photo of him sunning himself Sunday afternoon.

This is me and the friend I drove down with.

This is where we all spent Saturday afternoon, at the birthday party for my precious little great-niece who was turning 2.

The birthday girl.

Sunday night, my sister's dog -- a darling little Jack Russell terrier -- proved herself a warrior princess by pouncing on a snake lurking in a dark corner of the back yard. We were sitting on the patio and thought she was after a lizard and didn't pay much attention -- until we realized there was way too much commotion going on. My sister stood up to take a look and yelled, "It's not a lizard, it's something BIG." Then, a second later, she screamed "Snake!!" whereupon we both ran into the house shrieking like little girls and yelling for our friend. We had no reason to think she'd know what to do, since she's a girly-girl, but dang if she didn't. She grabbed a shovel and dispatched the snake -- which looked very much like a rattler or copperhead or something. It definitely wasn't a black snake or garter snake or anything else harmless looking. We think the dog had already killed it before she got to it, so we then had to wash the blood spots off the dog to make sure she wasn't bitten and bleeding and in need of a mad dash to the emergency vet. We definitely met our excitement quotient for the evening!

So, I was at "The Beach" all weekend but never even made it to the beach. How warped is that?

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Fixing Serena

I'm leaving Friday for a long weekend at the beach. That ought to fix me right up and cure anything that ails me.

Y'all have a Happy Hump Day, a terrific TGIF, and a great weekend!