Tuesday, August 23, 2011

They Do, I Guess

How many of you actually give a flying squat about the recent mega-bucks spectacle of the Kardashian made-for-TV nuptials? Let's see hands, please.

Um-hum, I thought that number I was thinking seemed about right.


Marion said...

I was ranting on Facebook about the "K" brats yesterday. Who cares!! Not me! She only married that guy because he spells his name with a "K". I bet they start popping out little "K" brats soon. God help us all!!

G-Man said...

The wedding made 8 Million Bucks!
Thats Disgusting....
The groom must feel so proud when her sex video pops up on the Net!

Serena said...

Nooooo, Marion, say there won't be "K" brats! You know what that means -- another damn reality show. God help us, indeed!:)

What, GM, are you saying the bride was unchaste? For shame!;)

puerileuwaite said...

I tried to get to the ceremony in time to stop it, but my 60's vintage European convertible ran out of gas. Perhaps it's for the best. Future family get-togethers could get "freaky", with my previous fling with her mom always lurking in the background.

Serena said...

Oh, dear Lord, Pugsley. I am SO disappointed to hear that you were that hard up. Mama K? Really.:)

Lydia said...

Oh, did they finally get married? I really didn't know. Only a few days ago my husband asked who Kim Kardashian is and I said what I know: she is famous for being famous.

Those figures atop the cake are hilarious!

Lydia said...

p.s. Be safe there in Virginia. I really am worried about my family, friends and blogging buddies in the path of Irene.

Serena said...

They did, Lydia. And what you told your husband is the gospel truth.:)