Saturday, October 14, 2006

"Blood-curdling..." -- Part 16

"Look, Devorah, do not rub it in," snapped Haggis. "I do what I do because ... I can."

"I know," Devorah agreed. "You have been a bully and a braggart since you were in nappies."

"And proud of it," retorted Haggis.

"I would say 'bite me,' but I would be afeared you'd take me up on it."

"It wouldn't be the first time," Haggis allowed.

"Nay, madam. I bear yet the marks you left upon me while in the throes of a fit like unto a mad wolf. You should have been put down with a silver bullet lo those many years ago."

"Ah, bite me, Devorah."

"That is getting old, but do not tempt me, madam," Devorah growled, baring her teeth. "Do not tempt me."


Anonymous said...

Serena may I contribute some erotic fiction?

Serena said...

No. I'm not a magazine to which anyone can contribute erotica, poetry, true stalker stories, or anything else. Why would you even ask that?

Anonymous said...

I want to work on my writing skills and you are an editor.

Serena said...

Open a blog and post your writing. Or you could send some sample chapters to Miss Snark for a very honest critique.

Rex Zeitgeist said...

Hey, Anon is becoming a regular contributor now.....Good stuff

Serena said...

Yeah, how about that? Strange days...